Outcomes for Washington Students

Workforce Participation of HIgh School Graduates in Washington State

What are the employment patterns of recent high school graduates during the year after graduation?

The majority of Washington high school graduates are employed at some point during their high school years, many of them during the regular high school year. Those who were employed during high school were more likely to be employed after graduating high school. After graduating high school, employment patterns depended on whether graduates enrolled in a post-secondary institution, and what type of institution they enrolled in.

Learn more: Workforce Participation, Washington State High School Graduates, 2008-09.

Washington Eighth Graders' Educational and Employment Trajectories

What are eighth graders’ educational and workforce trajectories through high school and beyond?

This study followed eighth graders enrolled in the 2004-05 school year for seven years to observe their progress and analyze dropout rates. Sixty-three percent graduated, 31% transferred out, and 5% dropped out. Males and those who enrolled in eighth grade at older ages represented the majority of non-graduating students. Many more statistics are included in the study.

Learn more: Washington Eighth Graders' Educational and Employment Trajectories.

Six-year Outcomes for Public High School Graduates

What are the educational outcomes of high school graduates in Washington State?

This report uses longitudinal data to analyze the post-high school educational attainments of 2005-06 Washington high school graduates. About 77% of these students enrolled in some postsecondary education or training within six years of high school graduation. While those with a high school of GPA of 3.5 or above participated in postsecondary education at the highest levels, almost 60 percent of those in the lowest GPA category had enrolled in postsecondary education.

Learn more: Washington's Postsecondary Education Pipeline: Six-Year Outcomes for Public High School Graduates.

A Credential by Age 26?

Do Washington students earn a post-secondary credential by age 26?

The Washington State Board of Education has recommended a set of indicators that describe the health of the state education system. One proposed indicator is the percentage of high school graduates attaining credentials prior to age 26. For this analysis we use a cohort of 2006 Washington public high school graduates to estimate that percentage. Overall, 42 percent of the 2006 high school graduates had earned a credential by July 1, 2013.

Learn more: A Credential by Age 26?

Postsecondary Education Enrollment Patterns

When and where do Washington high school graduates enroll in postsecondary education?

About 70 percent of 2004-05 Washington public high school graduates enrolled in postsecondary education within five years after graduation. High school graduates who postponed their initial enrollment were less likely to enroll in 4-year institutions. About 35 percent of high school graduates who enrolled in postsecondary education changed institutions. There are differences in enrollment patterns based on race, income, high school GPA, and other characteristics. 

Learn more: Postsecondary Education Enrollment Patterns.

Post-secondary Enrollment Study

What are the enrollment outcomes of Washington learners who apply to attend a post-secondary institution? 

This study examines high school graduates applying to Washington public four-year universities in the Fall of 2010. It looks at applicants’ income, race, GPA, and other characteristics, and analyzes their enrollment outcomes.  Enrollment rates were highest for those with the highest high school GPAs – 94.4 percent for those with GPA in the 3.50 – 4.00 range and 87.4 percent for those with GPAs between 2.50 and 2.99.

Learn more: Applications Math Study, Fall 2010.