ERDC Dashboard Updates, April 2023

The Statewide Four Year Dashboard, the STEM Dashboard, and the Earnings for Graduates Dashboard have all been updated in April 2023. 

The Statewide Public Four-Year Dashboard now includes:

  • Four-year Enrollment Data for summer term in calendar year 2007 through spring term in calendar year 2022.
  • Four-year Completion Data for fall term in calendar year 2007 through summer term in calendar year 2022.
  • The redaction and display logic around sex was updated to allow the display of Sex X. See the “Maintaining student privacy and FERPA” section within the About the Data section of the dashboard.

The latest version of the Earning for Graduates Dashboard is now available

This dashboard displays earnings of students who have received certificates or degrees from public colleges, universities, and apprenticeship programs in Washington, and were subsequently employed in Washington. Earnings information is provided only for completers matched with Unemployment Insurance (UI) wage records collected by the Washington State Employment Security Department. 

The latest version of the STEM Dashboard is now available.

In partnership with the STEM Innovation Alliance, ERDC maintains the STEM Dashboard to help Washington track its progress in fueling a strong and vibrant economy in the state.