P20W Data System Study

ERDC houses a statewide longitudinal data system of information on Washington students, including data about their experiences from preschool to Grade 20 to the workforce (P20W). This P20W data is collected by data contributors across the state who securely share it with ERDC, so that researchers can conduct valuable cross-sector research that informs policy- and decision-making at the state level and within partnering institutions. People throughout the state, including state policymakers, school superintendents, school principals, university administration, and academic researchers, benefit from the data available upon request at ERDC.In January 2023, ERDC is launching a P20W Data System Study to evaluate the technical processes and tools behind our statewide longitudinal data system. ERDC has contracted with Gartner to conduct this study. Gartner’s study approach is both collaborative and rigorous, involving facilitated discussions with ERDC staff, data users, data partners, and referencing market-leading research to help us understand what changes may strengthen the P20W Data System’s ability to meet future data needs. The major phases of the P20W Data System Study are outlined below, with our goal to complete the study in late spring 2023.

Phases of P20W Data System Study More Information
1) Study Kickoff

Meeting Recording

Meeting Slide deck

2) Host Discovery Sessions to understand current processes, technical capabilities, and pain points Discovery Session One-Pager
3) Define Technical and Business Requirements for ERDC’s P20W Data System Complete
4) Define and Prioritize Use Cases Complete
5) Analyze options to enhance ERDC’s existing data and analytics architecture Complete
6) Identify recommendations and next steps to improve ERDC’s P20W Data System P20W Data System Study Summary
7) Communicate and discuss findings from study Stakeholder Q& A Hosted July 13, 2023


Check out this one-page handout to learn more about the ERDC’s P20W Data System Study.

If you have questions about this study or Gartner’s approach, please use ERDC's P20W Data System Study Feedback Form

ERDC thanks the following organizations for participating in the Discovery Sessions, which gathered feedback to inform the P20W Data System Study’s proposed recommendations.

All Fives in Five

BERC Group, Inc.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Center for the Improvement of Student Learning

Central Washington University

City University

Community Center for Education Results

Council of Presidents

Eastern Washington University

Education Northwest

Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee

National Center for Education Statistics’ Statewide Longitudinal Data System Grant Program

Northwestern University

Office of Financial Management (OFM)’s Information Technology Division

OFM’s Education Research & Data Center

OFM’s Forecasting & Research Division

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Oregon State University

Pacific Lutheran University

Professional Educator Standards Board

State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

The Evergreen State College

Third Sector Intelligence

University of Washington

Washington State Board of Education

Washington State Center for Court Research

Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families

Washington State Department of Labor and Industries

Washington State Employment Security Department

Washington State Institute for Public Policy

Washington State University

Washington STEM

Washington Student Achievement Council

Western Washington University

Whitworth University

Workforce Training Board