ERDC Data in Action

ERDC annually responds to over 50 data requests for P20W data from other state agencies and researchers. Additionally, individuals and organizations access our dashboards to find facts and figures to support their work. ERDC expands the state's capacity to examine the Washington state education ecosystem by connecting people to this unique resource, all while maintaining student privacy. The following is a subset of the dashboards, projects, and publications that involved ERDC in recent years:

External Dashboards

Eastern Washington University Institute for Public Policy & Economic Analysis. Community Trends Project Dashboards.

Roadmap Project. College Enrollment and Community & Technical College Data Dashboard and Progress Report Dashboard

LaunchNW.  Measuring Our Mission Dashboards.


Washington Student Achievement Council. (2024). Washington Public Enrollment Trends, Fall 2023 Enrollment Update.

Goldhaber, D., Krieg, J., Liddle, S., Theobald, R.  (2024). The Long and Winding Road: Mapping the College and Employment Pathways to Teacher Education Program Completion in Washington State. 


Education Northwest. (2023). The Washington State Open Doors Youth Reengagement System Students Served and Program Outcomes 2015–2021.

ERDC & Washington Student Achievement Council. (2023). Washington Public Enrollment Trends: Monitoring Fall Enrollment at Postsecondary Institutions Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Washington State Institute for Public Policy. (2023). Transitional Kindergarten Programs in Washington State: Describing 2022-23 Programs, Educators, and Students.

Washington Student Achievement Council. (2023). Washington transfer associate degree effectiveness update.

Washington Student Achievement Council. (2023). Postsecondary Enrollment Trends: Fewer Washington High School Graduates in the Classes of 2020 and 2021 Enrolled Directly in Postsecondary Education - Research Spotlight

Washington Student Achievement Council. (2023). Transfer Equity Project: Summary of Themes & Priorities


Goldhaber, D., Krieg, J., & Theobald, R., & Liddle, S. (2022). Lost to the system? A descriptive exploration of teacher candidates’ career paths. Educational Researcher 51(4), 255-264.

Goldhaber, D., Krieg, J., Liddle, S., & Theobald, R. (2022). Out of the Gate, But Not Necessarily Teaching: A Descriptive Portrait of Early-Career Earnings for Those Who Are Credentialed to Teach. Education Finance and Policy, 1-40.

Meza, E.A., & Bragg, D.D. (2022). Scaling up community college baccalaureates in Washington State: Labor market outcomes and equity implications for higher education. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30(140).

Washington Student Achievement Council. (2022). Equity Can't Wait: Examining Racial Disparities in K-12 Education in Washington State.

Washington Student Achievement Council. (2022). Intergenerational Economic Mobility of Need-Based Financial Aid Recipients in Washington: Evidence from Three years After Postsecondary Graduation.

Washington Student Achievement Council. (2022). State Strategies for Building Equitable Access to and Success in Postsecondary Education.

Washington State Institute for Public Policy. (2022). Early Achievers Evaluation: Access to Providers Meeting Early Achievers Quality Standards.

Washington State Institute for Public Policy. (2022). Early Achievers Evaluation Report Four: Analysis of Benefits and Costs.

Washington State Institute for Public Policy. (2022). Evaluation of the Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program: Kindergarten Readiness for School-and Part-Day Enrollees.

Washington State Institute for Public Policy. (2022). Evaluation of the Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program: Short- and Long-Term Outcomes for Children.


Long, M. C., Goldhaber, D., & Gratz, T. (2021). Washington's College Bound Scholarship Program and its effect on college entry, persistence, and completion. Education Finance and Policy, 16(4), 690-715.

Theobald, R. J., Goldhaber, D. D., Gratz, T. M., & Holden, K. L. (2021). High school English Language Arts teachers and postsecondary outcomes for students with and without disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 31(4), 217-229.

Washington State Institute for Public Policy. (2021). Early Achievers Evaluation Report Three: Variation in Links between Quality and Kindergarten Readiness for Children with Childcare Subsidy.

Washington Student Achievement Council. (2021). Increasing Equitable Access, Participation, and Success for Students in Dual Credit Legislative Report from the Dual Credit Task Force.

The Center for Educational Effectiveness. (2021). Characteristics of Positive Outlier Schools: Illuminating the Strengths of American Indian / Alaska Native, Black, Latino/a, and Students Experiencing Poverty.

2020 and earlier

Community Center for Education Results. Yoshizumi, A., Yohalem, N., & Cooley, S. (2020). More than Dropping Out: Understanding Factors Related to Student Disengagement in South Seattle and South King County.

Cowan, J., & Goldhaber, D. (2015). How much of a" running start" do dual enrollment programs provide students?. The Review of Higher Education, 38(3), 425-460.

Cowan, J., Goldhaber, D., Holzer, H. J., Naito, N., & Xu, Z. (2020). Career and Technical Education in high school and postsecondary career pathways in Washington state. CALDER Working Paper No. 224-1119.

Goldhaber, D., Long, M. C., Gratz, T., & Rooklyn, J. (2020). Pledging to do “good”: An early commitment pledge program, college scholarships, and high school outcomes in Washington State. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 42(1), 110-133.

Goldhaber, D., Long, M. C., Person, A. E., Rooklyn, J., & Gratz, T. (2019). Sign me up: The factors predicting students’ enrollment in an early-commitment scholarship program. AERA Open, 5(2), 2332858419857703.

Huntington-Klein, N. (2016). “(Un) informed College and Major Choice”: Verification in an alternate setting. Economics of Education Review, 53, 159-163.

Huntington-Klein, N., Cowan, J., & Goldhaber, D. (2017). Selection into online community college courses and their effects on persistence. Research in Higher Education, 58(3), 244-269.

Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. (2019). Final Report: Opportunity Scholarship and Opportunity Expansion Programs.

Theobald, R. J., Goldhaber, D. D., Gratz, T. M., & Holden, K. L. (2019). Career and technical education, inclusion, and postsecondary outcomes for students with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52(2), 109-119.

Washington Roundtable & Partnership For Learning. (2018). The Path to 70% Credential Attainment for Washington Students.

Washington Roundtable & Partnership For Learning. (2020). 2020 Update: The Path to 70% Credential Attainment.

Washington State Auditor's Office. (2016). Performance Audit, Workforce Development: Identifying CTE Student Outcomes.

Washington State Institute for Public Policy. (2020). Early Achievers Evaluation Report Two: Pre-Kindergarten Quality and Child Outcomes in Kindergarten.

Washington STEM (2019). STEM By the Numbers: Equity and Opportunity in Washington’s Regions